First, shin splints are the muscle on the front of your shin becoming separated from the bone. It connects the shin to the top of your foot and is anchored along the flat blade of the shin.
- If your shoes are past 3 months of use and the splints have started, go ahead and get new shoes. Buy from a store that has "experts" watch you run.
- After a run, stretch the each muscle by pointing your big toe at the ground and trace the alphabet with your toe.
- Follow this immediately with ice (in a ziploc, wrapped with a dish towel) for 30 minutes.
Rinse and repeat. Other sites recommended Advil or some antinflammatory medication, but I found that didn't do much to fix the problem.
Quick meathead update: Yesterday I squatted 175# and did 270# on the leg press. Progress!
Today I did a "strength and conditioning" workout with the football team. I have decided that words cannot adequately describe how much this sucked. I didn't finish. It reminded me of the first time I went into the weight room, back in September 2009. My body was so unprepared for that level of intensity that I threw up afterwards. Today was similar, minus the vomit: I simply was not prepared for an anaerobic workout of that level. I'll be back there Monday to try again though!
This is the goal: