Saturday was another round of lunges and squats with no lasting aggravation - huzzah! The only negative during the workout was the gym losing power halfway through, leaving the last half of the workout to be done in the semi-dark. Nonetheless, I added a new exercise: bench press to pull-up (I've been training by doing exercises in sets: biceps to tripceps, dumbbell press to pulldown, etc.). The reason I added the pull-ups is because Dwyane Wade does a pull-up through the hoop before every game and by all reasonable measures he seems pretty decent, even if he makes his money by parading to the free throw line.

Ten reps on the bench followed by four pull-ups. I did that three times without tearing anything. One concern is my left shoulder, which has a torn labrum (rotator cuff), just like my hip did. It has never been as bad as my hip, and it is only painful when I lift my arm out away from my body and above my shoulder. But after hard workouts my left shoulder can't bear any weight for days. With that in mind I'll gradually bump up the number of pull-ups but definitely keep a limit on the total number and how frequent I attempt them.
355 days to go!
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