Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dunk Wobbles

I've now gone two consecutive workouts (Saturday and Monday) using the "death machine", a.k.a. an arc trainer, a.k.a. an elliptical with variable incline and resistance. Twenty-five and thirty minutes, respectively, and Monday I followed the half-hour session with step-ups, or whatever it's called when you hoist a straight bar across your back and step up on a two-foot tall bench, raise your other leg to your waist, then step down again. Twenty of those (ten on each leg) and twenty calf raises. While my lunge-balance has improved to only being shaky on perhaps one of ten lunges, the goofy wiggling I did during these step-ups demonstrated my stabilizer muscles were still very weak.

My legs, especially my thighs, were sore and cramping a little after that last workout. I was mainly interested in how my hip would react though. I could feel the joint getting a little inflamed but it wasn't serious. I made myself take Tuesday off, which in retrospect was a mistake because now it is 4:30 am on a school night and I have slept maybe three hours. Yet all day I felt low on energy and almost passed out in the office after school. I suppose the 24 hot wings I threw down this evening could be a contributing factor to my insomnia. I'll certainly be paying that back today.

As far as the leaping goes, I have noticed a definite increase in density and mass of my legs. All the attention I've been heaping on them in the weight room is starting to show some physical results, but I have yet to get an accurate measure of my vertical. My bedroom has ten-foot ceilings and this week I plan on marking off an open spot by the wall for home measurements! I will post that information as soon as I record it.

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