Friday ended up including 3 different leg exercises: squats/calf raises, box steps with 30# in each hand, and quad/hamstring with 35# on each leg. Friday night didn't end until 2 in the morning Saturday, and Sunday I successfully played 2+ hours of football! A most triumphant return to the gridiron. Yet my ultimate goal lies inside the gymnasium, so it was there I returned this afternoon.
I upped my squat weight by another 5# today. The gain was again noticeable but not beyond 3 sets of 10, although the very last repetition was a struggle and I had to lean forward quite a bit - that's bad form, as it strains your back - but I can see myself keeping up with the 5#/week increase for a while. But I wonder, is that a quick enough gain? That's 20# added to my squatting weight each month, but I've started at basically zero courtesy of my hip, so will I be able to squat enough weight to raise me up to the magnificent throne of dunk before the year is out? Today, each set was ten repetitions of squatting 120# followed by 24 calf raises - I did that three times in all. I also did lunges while twisting my torso with a 10# weight held outstretched. I think I need to find an exercise that incorporates jumping in addition to the squats... shoot, I guess I can just jump. I'll start that Wednesday!
The gym at work is currently filled with gymnastics equipment (go figure), so I haven't been able to play since last Wednesday's morning game. In other news, despite starting three All-Stars (Josh Smith counts) and the likely Sixth Man of the Year coming off the bench, the Hawks continue to flail about and waste their talent under the watch of special education graduate Mike Woodson. With Woodson in charge, the Hawks will probably draft me this year...

This is what a person looks like when they have no idea what is going on.
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