Monday, March 1, 2010

Punishment Dunk

So playing 1-on-1 with an athletic trainer on 4 hours of sleep with the waste products of Jameson and nachos still in your system is a great way to grind out any impression that you are in shape. We played two games (one basket, one point), in which I got whipped 15-7 and 11-4. I'd like to think I was in a state - I'd only had a bowl of cereal that morning - that prevented me from playing up to full potential, but it turns out there are huge components missing from my basketball skill set. About the only thing I've got going for me is speed. I'm still pretty light and can get past most of the heavily muscled trainers or older teachers I play against. The trainer that schooled me on Saturday had a fade-away shot I just couldn't defend! We're playing 5-on-5 Wednesday morning, so I'll try and incorporate something new and see how it goes.

I've been doing the same workout routine for a few weeks now - same weights, same number of reps, same exercises. I realized today that I've got to be constantly pushing my limits to see any improvement in my jumping, so when I went in to move weight today I decided I would add 5# a week to my squats until failure (failure being unable to complete 3 sets of 10). Just adding 5# today was a noticeable, but not impossible, addition to my routine. The curls/triceps I do are 10# increments, and I won't be able to jump 10# at a time there so I sped up my 3 sets of 10 (10 second rest between biceps to triceps; 45 second rest between sets). I added more sit-ups and more weight on my quads/hamstrings... and I was definitely beaten down by the end. I think I clenched my teeth so hard they've been rocked loose. And in an effort to, sigh, recover faster and grow bigger, I've downed a Clif bar, glass of milk, and will be having a whole chicken breast tonight.

But during the punishing workout, I realized I've gotten into a HABIT. During the one or two days a week I don't work out, I feel like crap. Tired, lethargic, "off" - I think I've become a gym rat. I guess that's what it's gonna take to get up there to that magical dunk though.. onward and upward!

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